After milling our Rose Gum into flooring, (see our last post) as well as wall paneling, posts and beams, and slabs, (we’ll blog about these later) it may have seemed there was little more to be got from it.
There were only the smaller limbs left (for a seemingly endless supply of firewood!) and the flitches – the curved outside edges of the logs- which are mostly discarded. These seemed too good to waste.
I’d seen this picture of a staircase using flitches as treads,
so we decided we could use our flitches for the stair treads in the new cabin. One of the smaller Rose Gum branches was installed as a support at the end of the stairwell. We ordered a steel stringer with three winder steps at the top from Uprite Steel.
Russell then carefully cut, leveled, sanded and fitted the flitches to the steel tread supports. This is the result.
The recycling continues, as some other smaller bits of the Rose Gum will be incorporated into the railings.